A M Benjamin Services
     Ebook Publisher
     San Francisco, CA

     A M Benjamin Services
     Ebook Publisher
     San Francisco, CA

     Writes the Blues
     Introduction !

     Antonio the Explorer
     spiritual journey
     into the world of
     Sadness !

     Table of Content

     1. the blues
         introduction !

         you are here !

     2. what is the

     3. the blues as a
         tool of sadness !

     4. the blues as a
         tool of faith !

     5. j k rowling -
        a song of failure !

     6. d osman - a
         song of loneliness

     7. lazarus song -
         a song of despair !

     8. darky blues
         a sad reality !

     9. the blues !

     Writes the Blues

     Antonio the Explorer
     story of the
     is a sad sad song
     about many of the
     things that make
     Human Being
     regret being alive
     and or the day
     they were born !
     the blues
     can be compared
     to being stuck
     in a very deep ditch
     with no hope of
     being able to climb out
     or someone coming to
     your rescue.

     Previous Page
         (Blues 9 of 9).

     Next Page
         (Blues 2 of 9).

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     thank you for reading
     our story about the !
     please read our
     story about the Traveling.

     please give AMBS
     a gift to share this
     spiritual message !

     A M Benjamin Services
     is the publisher of
     Antonio the Explorer
     US LOC ISSN# 1947-850X