A M Benjamin Services
Ebook Publisher
San Francisco, CA
who and why
AMBS Conclusion !
Antonio the Explorer
Mystical Journey
into the
spiritual worlds of
Who and Why
Table of Content
Who is AMBS
         Introduction ?
Who is AMBS
         Team Member 02 ?
Who is AMBS
         Team Member 01 !
Who are the
         AMBS Teams
         Characters ?
Who and Why
         AMBS Conclusion ?
            you are here
Who and Why
Conclusion !
     while parts 1 thru 4
     answered many
     questions about
     Who are the members
     of the AMBS Team
     part 5 of this chapter
     ends the website
     with Why these e book
     series was written.
     on this website and
     short e books can be
     compared to an
     (a1) an obituary
     and a
     (a2) inspirational
     as an obituary these
     short story e books
     is the author making
     statements about their
     (b1) accomplishments
     (b2) and regrets
     about this limited life
     instead of leaving
     my final dreams and
     desires to people who
     do not know or
     understand me,
     we choose to write
     the words our self.
     part of my
     is to try to bring
     Peace of Mind
     to the people
     I consider to be
     like us;
     many members of the
     black race and or
     any human being who
     feels inferior.
     thru writing about
     (c1) Miracles
     (c2) Art
     (c3) Travel
     (c4) Business
     (c5) the Blues
     part of the why is
     to give the poor a
     (d1) a sense of hope
     (d2) plans for tomorrow
     (d3) something to
         believe in
     and the so called
     inferior will love
     themselves more.
     we end
     this part of
     Antonio the Explorer
     with the following
     as long as we live in
     a world with
     Good and Bad
     evilness will rule the
     there is a
     rhyme and reason
     for everything
     under the sun.
Previous Page
         (Who is 4 of 5).
Next Page
         (Who is 1 of 5).
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     thank you for reading
     our chapter about
     Who is A M
     Benjamin Services
     please read our
     our chapter about
     please give AMBS
     a gift to share this
     spiritual message !
     A M Benjamin Services
     is the publisher of
     Antonio the Explorer
     US LOC ISSN# 1947-850X
     May 2015